North Star Rising is written and directed by Mike Bithell, executive produced by Alexander Sliwinski. Art by Ian McQue, with music by Austin Wintory, and sound design by Chris Randle.

Special thanks to Kerry Dyer, Alanah Pearce, Thomas Gray, Cassie Josephs and Ben Andac.


Our Cast


Scroobius Pip

Pip narrates our story. He is the voice of minds and matter and space stuff.

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Samantha Béart

Samantha plays Tara, the student who’s learning a lot on this mission.

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Rahul Kohli

Rahul is Otis, a man with some idea of what he is doing, but in need of a little help.

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Jayce Diaz

Jayce plays Alpha, a hologram who desperately wants to make your day a little brighter.

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Francesca Hogan

Francesca plays At-Un, an alien with a philosophy.

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Kevin Powe

Kevin plays Belto, a thief who’d definitely describe himself as ‘dashing’

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Troy Baker

Troy plays Grunk, a villain with hidden depths. Very well hidden depths.

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Jane Perry

Jane plays Suvak, a judge who does not have time to deal with you.

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Theo Maggs

Theo plays Zenith, who teleported them himself.

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Charlotte Newton John

Charlotte plays a second in command with a very odd name.

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Dave Jones

Dave plays Doctor Klive, an engineer who’s more related to the crew than you might expect.

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